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Category Archives: writing

  1. The value and importance of the pre-writing stage of writing July 16, 2024

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  2. My experience teaching residential academic writing workshops June 28, 2024

    Posted in research, research design, writing.

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  3. Reading Like a Writer – Francine Prose – my reading notes February 26, 2024

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  4. Using the Pacheco-Vega workflows and frameworks to write and/or revise a scholarly book July 16, 2023

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  5. On framing, the value of narrative and storytelling in scholarly research, and the importance of asking the “what is this a story of” question April 3, 2023

    Posted in academia, research, research methods, writing.

  6. The Abstract Decomposition Matrix Technique to find a gap in the literature March 30, 2023

    Posted in academia, research, writing.

  7. Reading is writing: To situate your work within the broader literature, you need to READ August 21, 2022

    Posted in academia, reading strategies, writing.

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  8. 3 fundamental lessons about reading and academic writing August 21, 2022

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  9. Preparing for the PhD defense/viva? Use the GDN instead of a DTP August 21, 2022

    Posted in academia, research, writing.

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  10. On Cornell Notes and the importance of noting down EVERYTHING including the article or book chapter (or book) full citation. August 19, 2022

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  11. A few strategies to overcome writer’s block June 30, 2022

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  12. “Parking your writing downhill” as a strategy to keep momentum with your academic writing April 23, 2022

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  13. On writing about, thinking and teaching research methods. April 23, 2022

    Posted in academia, fieldwork, research, research methods, teaching, writing.

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  14. The realities of writing: loving it and having to work hard for it April 23, 2022

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  15. On making explicit your contribution to the larger literature and bodies of knowledge by using a case study in a particular region. April 23, 2022

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  16. Using a Ventilation File to help break free from writers’ block April 1, 2022

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  17. How to write field notes (and how to teach the writing of fieldnotes) October 12, 2021

    Posted in academia, fieldwork, qualitative methods, research methods, writing.

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  18. The Memo-Based Writing Strategy: Helping students write large-ish (>2,500 words) assignments August 14, 2021

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  19. A proposed heuristic to choose which note-taking technique we should use: Index Cards, Cornell Notes, Everything Notebook and Conceptual Synthesis Excel Dump (CSED) rows/Synthetic Notes July 16, 2021

    Posted in academia, research, writing.

  20. Overcoming “Writer’s Block” with Index Cards and Memorandums April 5, 2021

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  21. Tackling an R&R (Revise-And-Resubmit) – a full-fledged process February 13, 2021

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  22. Skimming articles using the AIC (Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion) Method, plus an AIC-> Synthetic Note Template for undergraduates (and graduates!) January 28, 2021

    Posted in academia, research, research methods, writing.

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  23. Using ethnographic field notes in the actual writing of a paper January 19, 2021

    Posted in academia, qualitative methods, research, research methods, writing.

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  24. Getting the most out of writing groups (online and offline) November 29, 2020

    Posted in academia, writing.

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  25. Analog note-taking when highlighting is not possible (e.g. books) November 28, 2020

    Posted in academia, productivity, writing.

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