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How to Write a Thesis (Umberto Eco) – my reading notes

I sometimes eschew book recommendations even though I have an intuition that these may actually work for my purposes. A number of scholars had recommended to me that I should check Umberto Eco’s How to Write A Thesis whose 2015 reprint was published by The MIT Press, particularly since I’ve been reading a lot of books on how to do a doctoral dissertation (mostly for my own students, but also to help others globally). As I mention in my tweet below, I’ve never been a fan of Eco’s, so I was a bit skeptical. I take my skepticism back.

After reading Umberto Eco’s book, I think I agree: yes, PhD students should read his book How to Write a Thesis. Aimed at Italian students and the Italian model of a PhD (UPDATE – apparently it was written for undergraduates!), his adaptation and translation into English is super useful. I imagine it would be useful to Spanish speakers too (the Spanish version of course exists in Spanish, you can Google it). I will be recommending it to my own doctoral students.

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