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On Cornell Notes and the importance of noting down EVERYTHING including the article or book chapter (or book) full citation.

Those of you who have followed me for a time know that I do love taking notes off articles with the Cornell Notes method. I find it a very useful note-taking strategy when you are reading materials (articles, book chapters, books, etc.) Some people use it to take notes during class, but this is not the approach I use.


Of course, my mistake was forgetting to write down the citation for the articles I was reading. This is A BIG MISTAKE. For many reasons, you NEED to keep the full citation of what you read in every medium you use (Cornell Note, Everything Notebook, Index Card, etc.)

Obviously I needed to find the original articles, which I posted on here:

As far as filing systems, I use the same across different analog techniques.

I share a big mistake I made (and ways to correct it) because I think sometimes we learn more from our mistakes than from our successes. Hopefully that will be the case.

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