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On reading up a lot, mind mapping the literature, “finding the gap” and writing paragraphs in your literature review

While normally I write Twitter threads or blog posts in response to requests, particularly of my students and research assistants, but also when I hear from scholars across the globe, this post (based on my Twitter thread) comes from my own needs, both as a writer (I am writing and revising a literature review section myself) and as a student and RA supervisor (I wanted to have a resource to share with my team).

Editing by hand

In this blog post, I walk through my process of mapping out the literature, relying on systematic reviews, and situating my work within the broader debates around a particular topic. Finding a gap in the literature requires us to really map out the different ways and approaches in which different authors have approached a specific topic. The only way to do this, unfortunately, is to read.




Two important things escaped me the first time I wrote this thread. The first one is posted here (links to topic-sentences-focused blog posts).

Hopefully my process as broken down can help others as well!

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2 Responses

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Continuing the Discussion

  1. From review of the literature to mind map of the field – Raul Pacheco-Vega, PhD linked to this post on August 25, 2019

    […] a previous blog post, I explained how, after having done all the reading, I plot the literature (yes, by hand and doing mind mapping techni…. In this short blog post, I reverse my approach, and instead I show how you can map the literature […]

  2. A sequential framework for teaching how to write good research questions – Raul Pacheco-Vega, PhD linked to this post on March 4, 2020

    […] I have already written about how we can find the gap: for a dissertation or thesis proposal and for a research paper and/or literature review. As an example, in my case, I contribute to narrow our gap in understanding how commons theories […]

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