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New publication: The Environment (book chapter in International Relations)

chapterLast year, I was invited by Robert Oprisko to participate in a collective effort book led by him and Stephen McGlinchey that would map the field of international relations from a perspective of “Day One” (that is, someone who has never taken a course in international relations). Given my expertise in global environmental politics, Robert and Stephen asked me to write the environmental chapter. I’m very proud to join my friend Dr. David Hornsby (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg) and many other excellent scholars. The final version is much shorter than the version I wrote originally (which had tables and figures and included reference to two important datasets.

The first is a dataset on global constitutional environmental rights produced by Dr. Josh Gellers at University of North Florida and the second is a dataset on global environmental summits generated by Dr. Kate O’Neill from University of California Berkeley).

But still I think it’s a very fun read and I’m proud to contribute to teaching the next generation of international relations scholars. The book is Open Access and is entirely downloadable here, and my chapter starts on page 165. Enjoy!

Raul Pacheco-Vega (2017) “The Environment” In: Stephen McGlinchey (Ed.) “International Relations“. E-International Relations Publishing, Bristol, England. pp. 165-173

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