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The Elements of Academic Style (Eric Hayot) – my reading notes

I have read A TON of books on writing over the past few years, and I had vaguely remembered that someone recommended Eric Hayot’s “The Elements of Academic Style” to me, but I could not for the life of me remember who it was (Bertha Angulo, at ITAM, now I remember). Anyhow, this thread summarizes my reading notes of Hayot’s book.

Workflow at my CIDE campus office

As I explained in a separate Twitter thread, Hayot, like other authors, writes WORKBOOKS. This means, these aren’t books to just read once and “get down to it”. These are books to read, come back to them, use their built-in exercises, etc. In that thread I recommended a few authors and their books too.

Conclusion:10/10 recommend.

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