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Dealing with The Dreaded Blank Page

I have been writing a lot for a very long time, and I *still* find myself dreading the process of opening and facing a new document template.

The Dreaded Blank Page.

Dreaded Blank Page

For many of us, facing The Dreaded Blank Page is an exercise in self-loathing, frustration and hand-wringing. Even though I write a lot, and I specifically focus much of this blog to the scholarly writing enterprise, I still find myself, on occasion, stumped and dumbfounded by The Dreaded Blank Page.

The way out, in my view (and this is what I preach to my students and research assistants and to anyone who will listen to me) is to gradually develop a writing practice and to make of each Dreaded Blank Page not a summit to CONQUER, but an issue that we have to to DEAL WITH.

To recap, my suggestions to deal with The Dreaded Blank Page:

  • Break down the project in smaller pieces.
  • Deal with each piece of writing/research on its own.
  • Use the completion of each small piece of writing as a Quick Win, or just focus on it for 30 minutes at a time.

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