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The Politics of Water Governance at a Time of Crisis: Creating Opportunities through new Analytical Lenses #WPSA16

I am in San Diego, California, for the Western Political Science Association (WPSA) just the second of six conferences and workshops I am attending and presenting at in the next six weeks. At the time, obviously, it seemed like a great idea. Right now, I am surviving through all of them, and will write about my experience, as soon as I have a minute.

Panel 04. 06 – The Politics of Water Governance at a Time of Crisis: Creating Opportunities through new Analytical Lenses
Date: Friday, March 25, 2016, 3:15 – 5:00 PM
Chair(s): Harris, Leila,, The University of British Columbia

Paper(s): Narrative, Storytelling, and Arts-based Engagement: Revisiting Water Governance
Harris, Leila,, The University of British Columbia

Coalition Dynamics under Collaborative Norms: Using the Advocacy Coalition Framework to Understand Collaborative Policy Processes
Koebele, Elizabeth,, University of Colorado Boulder

Testing the Water: Investigating Water Manager Responses to Ecological and Institutional Change to Understand Adaptive Governance
Childress-Runyon, Amber,, Colorado State University

The politics of bottled water at a time of crisis: Mobilizations in California and British Columbias against Nestle
Pacheco-Vega, Raul,, Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas (CIDE)

Public Adaptation through the Backdoor: Can We Move Toward Adaptive Water Governance?
York, Abigail,, Arizona State University
Eakin, Hallie, , Arizona State University
Smith-Heister, Skaidra, , Arizona State University
Bausch, Julia C., , Arizona State University
Aggarwal, Rimjhim, , Arizona State University
Anderies, John M., , Arizona State University

Discussant(s): Pacheco-Vega, Raul,, Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas (CIDE)

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