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A professor who sets the standard for social media (via The Ubyssey)

I was looking for media articles to update my Media page and I found this lovely snippet in the Last Words of February 13th, 2012 on The Ubyssey (The University of British Columbia’s campus-wide official student newspaper) on my approach to social media. I have to say that the best compliment I could ever hear is that my approach to teaching and engaging with my students is innovative. I love teaching, I always have and I always will, and my UBC students have a very, very special place in my heart. The excerpt below can be found here too.

A professor who sets the standard for social media

Although the communications staff in UBC’s various departments often use Twitter and Facebook to get their messages out, only a handful of its faculty really “get” social media.

That’s why it’s refreshing to see a professor who really engages with his students online in a way that isn’t superficial. And in that regard, Raul Pacheco-Vega—the subject of this week’s “Our Campus” profile—is at the head of the pack.

With over two thousand users following his research account and several thousand more on his personal feed, Pacheco-Vega is a minor celebrity by Twitter standards—and a large portion of those followers are his students. He uses the platform to post updates on his research, link to work opportunities in his field and give students real-time feedback on assignments. Through this unfettered interaction with students, Pacheco-Vega makes his work feel vibrant and alive, and it gives the political science department a sense of openness and innovation. Other professors should take note.

I’m truly honored, I really am.

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