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The Craft of Research (Booth, Colomb, Williams) – 3rd Edition – my reading notes

Every few weeks, somebody asks me for recommendations of books on academic writing, “how to do a PhD”, or research methods. Most of the time, I answer based on what I have available either at home or at my office, or what I can recall from memory. And as I noted in my Twitter thread related to this book, I had forgotten about “The Craft of Research“, whose fourth edition has more authors. I own the third edition, which was still written by Booth, Colomb and Williams, and this is the one I am going to be referring to throughout this blog post, but you may want to get the most recent edition.

I very strongly recommend this book.

Research books 003

My Twitter thread summarizes what I think are the key elements of BCW, particularly their approach to writing stuff that can be supported by evidence (their Claim, Warrant, Reason, Evidence, Acknowledgement and Response model is a bit overwrought, I think, and I preferred their previous approach that had Warrant, Claim, Evidence .

If I were teaching a research methodology course or a thesis seminar, I would very much use BCW to guide my students throughout the research process.

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