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Laura Atuesta on incarceration probabilities and drug use – Seminar at CIDE Region Centro

Seminar Laura Atuesta CIDEMy colleague Dr. Laura Atuesta (who is a Visiting Assistant Professor at CIDE Region Centro’s Drug Policy Programme) did a really interesting econometric analysis of two datasets (the Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones, ENA and the Encuesta a Internos en Reclusorios Federales) trying to discern if there is any correlation between probability of being incarcerated and drug use.

Seminario Laura Atuesta

Given how Mexican drug policy and Mexican security policy seem to be focused on health-related crimes instead of actual, real impact crimes, this kind of work is important. I sent out a few tweets during her talk. I am sure I didn’t capture the richness of her paper, but I really enjoyed it. My colleague Dr. Catalina Perez-Correa, who conducted the survey to populations internet in Mexican jails, was the discussant.

I am not sure whether the paper can be shared yet but interested parties could contact Laura to discuss the paper. I really enjoyed Laura’s delivery. She has done a lot of work on program evaluation and policy impact, so it was nice to see an econometrician actually delivering a seminar that does not cut and paste the STATA tables and actually provides policy implications that are readable for a broader audience.

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